The special urban individual and collective usucapion by interversio possessionis of precarious tença in possession ad usucapionem pro morada, pro labore e pro misero
It is a research that applies concepts of the civilistic and problematic of the possessory right to the special urban usucapion (collective and individual). It aimed to investigate answers and understandings around the question whether or not there is the intervention of possession of precarious tença, a matter that is still a problem in the scope of Civil Law for configuring possession ad usucapionem. Subsequently, he applied the conclusions obtained in that investigation to the usucapion institute, in its individual and collective urban modalities, as well as applied, also, to the right of housing in the urban space. In addition to the national and foreign bibliographic review, the research also had as a documentary sample judged by the Superior Court of Justice that dealt with the subject. Following a qualitative and quantitative method, the investigation proceeded with the statistics of the judges to verify whether there is jurisprudence around the matter. After a historical analysis of the precarium and the precario of Roman Law, the research concluded that the association of precarious possession with eternal detention does not find historical or legal support, so that nothing justifies maintaining the idea that the conversion of illicit detention for precariousness in possession generating special urban usucapion.
Keywords: Precarium. Precarious possession. Interversio possessionis. Special urban usucapion. Social function of possession.
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