Marrakesh treaty as a possibility of ethical and legal care of the other from Emmanuel Levinas
Keywords, Marrakesh Treaty. Rights of the disabled person. Personality rights. Other. Emmanuel LevinasResumo
Visually impaired people, and people with difficulties in reading printed texts, started to have an important milestone with the Marrakesh Treaty so that they have access to books, in an appropriate format. The Treaty incorporated as a Constitutional Amendment makes copyright more flexible and promotes a series of guidelines for implementing the Treaty, making some points more flexible for each regulatory State. And it is precisely on the regulation that Brazil will adopt that there are several market interests for the purpose of the Treaty and that this research will seek to analyze. Thus, the research problem that raises research is: which extrajudicial power plays that concern, in the first instance, the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty? Through the hypothetical-deductive method, using legal and philosophical bibliographic research. The research contributions, based on the theoretical axis of Emmanuel Levinas, point out that the ethics of alterity seeks to make everyone responsible for caring for the Other, indicating that the commercial availability clause should not be adopted, favoring accessibility.
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