“I’m going to stay desonline until next year": a morphosemantic analysis of the construct desonline





Desonline, Prefix derivation, Constructional morphology, Non-synonymy principle


Traditionally, the prefix “des-”, in Brazilian Portuguese, is associated with meanings of separation, negation, or contrary action. However, the creation of the term desonline challenges this definition, as it appears to denote the negation of the condition of being online or connected to the internet. Based on this, the present study investigates the origin of the construct, suggesting that desonline is the result of a hybrid prefix derivation, due to its stem’s foreign origin (Ferreira, 2021). In addition to proposing a morphosemantic analysis for the construct, the article compares desonline and off-line, emphasizing that, although they share semantic traits, they are not perfect synonyms. Thus, the research aims to contribute to the understanding of morphological processes in Portuguese, particularly in the context of neologisms and derived constructs.

Author Biography

Brendha Portela Camargo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Mestre e doutoranda em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/CAPES).


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How to Cite

Portela Camargo, B. (2024). “I’m going to stay desonline until next year": a morphosemantic analysis of the construct desonline. Palimpsesto - Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Letras Da UERJ, 23(44), 266–282. https://doi.org/10.12957/palimpsesto.2024.79930



Estudos de Língua