The not-at-all loose form of odd men, by Victor Heringer: vanguard, inheritance and adaptations




Victor Heringer, Anatol Rosenfeld, Peter Bürger, romance, vanguarda.


Based on considerations regarding the writings of Anatol Rosenfeld and Anatol Rosenfeld, the paper seeks to show how, even in works recently published in the Brazilian publishing market, specifically, O amor dos Homens Avulsos, by Victor Heringer (2016), the act of forgetting whether the avant-garde or, even, formal and stylistic processes, by which the avant-garde and modernity in the arts (here, specifically, the novel) were characterized, is impossible and, even, unlikely to be done. Through a review of Rosenfeld and Bürger's main arguments, the paper moves towards the analytical key to Heringer's text, seeking to observe how what is said in vanguard theory can also be observed in the formal and structural choices of Heringer's novel.

Author Biography

Fabio Pomponio Saldanha, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Doutorando em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada pela Universidade de São Paulo (DTLLC-USP) e bolsista da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, processo 2022/15480-7).


BÜRGER, Peter. A obra de arte de vanguarda. Teoria da vanguarda. Trad. José Pedro Antunes. São Paulo: Ubu, p. 127-181, 2017.

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ROSENFELD, Anatol. “Reflexões sobre o romance moderno”. Texto / contexto I. 5ª ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva, p. 75-97, 1996.

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How to Cite

Saldanha, F. P. (2024). The not-at-all loose form of odd men, by Victor Heringer: vanguard, inheritance and adaptations. Palimpsesto - Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Letras Da UERJ, 23(44), 313–328.



Estudos de Literatura