The counselor’s aporia: the end of the chronicler Machado de Assis


  • Júlio França UERJ


19th Century, Brazilian Literature, Machado de Assis, Cronica.


On 28th February 1897, Machado de Assis leaves the “Gazeta de Notícias”, closing a period of thirty-eight years of regular colaboration with the city’s press. His leaving is enigmatic and has been interpreted in various ways by the literary studies. This article aims to discuss the reasons which led Machado to abandon the crônica and also demonstrate that some features of this type of writing had a direct influence in the production of his three last novels, published after February 1897.

Author Biography

Júlio França, UERJ

Professor Adjunto de Teoria da Literatura na UERJ e Professor de Litera­tura Brasileira na Faculdade Cenecista de Itaboraí (FACNEC), Mestre em Litera­tura Brasileira e Teorias da Literatura (2001) e Doutor em Literatura Comparada (2006), ambos pela UFF. Publicou, entre outros artigos, “Arnaldo Antunes: nem nome, nem coisas; só os sons são”, na Revista Gragoatá (Niterói: UFF, 1999).



How to Cite

França, J. (2008). The counselor’s aporia: the end of the chronicler Machado de Assis. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 15(23). Retrieved from