Pictorical metapoetry: Baudelacroix


  • Deise Quintiliano UERJ


Metapoetry, Image, Intertextuality, Baudelaire, Delacroix.


The problematic relationship between text and image haunted Charles Baudelaire throughout his life. Conceptions of image’s poetry and poetry’s image are a major concern of the poet who establishes the concept of “modernity”, manifesting especially in the sonnet “On Tasso in Prison” - a tribute to the famous Delacroix’s painting about the Italian poet Torquato Tasso (1544- 95). Intertextual echoes between the poetry of Baudelaire and Delacroix’s painting stimulate a mise-en-scène of trade between poetic literature and pictorial aesthetics, inviting us to conduct an analysis that takes into account the contributions of this fruitful dialogue inscribed on the path of metapoetry.

Author Biography

Deise Quintiliano, UERJ

Doutora em Letras Neolatinas pela UFRJ/ EHESS de Paris e pós-doutora pelo PPGL da UFRGS. Professora de Le­tras Francesas, na UERJ, é autora de textos versando sobre as relações entre literatura, filosofia, história, cinema, artes e tradução francesa. Lançou os livros: Sartre: Philia e Autobiografia (Rio de Janeiro. São Paulo: Atual, DP&A/Faperj, 2005); Engenho e Arte: Pós-Modernidade e Relatividade em Sartre( Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2007); Sartre em Dois Atos: As Moscas e O Diabo e o Bom Deus ( Rio de Janeiro/Petrópolis. DP et Alii/Faperj, 2010). Mais recentemente, publicou os capítulos “Morgenröte einer Begegnung” in Lebendiger Sartre (2009) e “Le Double­singulier: L’Inscription du tragique dans L’Enfant de sable de Tahar Ben Jelloun” in Nouvelles Etudes Francophones, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Vol 25, nº1, (Printemps 2010).



How to Cite

Quintiliano, D. (2010). Pictorical metapoetry: Baudelacroix. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 17(27). Retrieved from https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/matraga/article/view/26158