Fragments of (self) image: notes on the Yvonne Jean Fund in the Public Archive in the Federal District (1911-1981)


  • Rafael Pereira da Silva Universidade de Brasília



Yvonne Jean, Personal Collections, Life Trajectory


Yvonne Jean was born in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1911. She was Jewish and immigrated to Brazil in 1940. In the first years after arriving, Yvonne was established as a journalist in Rio de Janeiro. In 1962, invited by Darcy Ribeiro, she moved to Brasília to work at University of Brasília (UnB). Besides journalism, Yvonne was an active intellectual, translator, art educator and writer as well. As a journalist, she stood out by her articles in the Correio Braziliense newspaper, named “Esquina de Brasília” (Brasília’s street corner). In the political field, she joined PCB (Brazilian Communist Party) and got arrested in the late 1960s. After her decease, in 1981, her son donated Yvonne Silberfeld collection to Federal District Public Archive. In the 1990s, the collection was organized and opened to public consultation. This article aims to present a chronology of Yvonne Silberfeld by analysing her own records and also think over the status of personal collections for the writing of history.

Author Biography

Rafael Pereira da Silva, Universidade de Brasília

Pesquisador em estágio de Pós-Doutorado junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade de Brasília, com bolsa CAPES. Doutor em História pela Universidade de Campinas, com período de estágio na Università di Roma - La Sapienza; Mestre e graduado em História pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

da Silva, R. P. (2019). Fragments of (self) image: notes on the Yvonne Jean Fund in the Public Archive in the Federal District (1911-1981). Revista Maracanan, (20), 171–184.