The national will in Condorcet's philosophy




Keywords, national will, Condorcet, general will,


In this article, we will analyze the meaning of the expression “national will” in Condorcet's thought. For this, we will identify the passages in which the philosopher uses this term and we will make an interpretation of its meaning. Furthermore, we will expose the ways in which the national will can appear in the works of this author. As the philosopher clarifies, there are two ways in which the national will arises: when citizens interact with representatives in the elaboration of ordinary laws and, also, when citizens and representatives participate in the making of the Constitution. Finally, we will verify the similarities and differences between the expressions “national will” in Condorcet and “general will” in Rousseau.

Biografia do Autor

Patricia Carvalho Reis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

graduada em Direito na PUC-MG, mestre e doutora em Filosofia Política na UFMG. No mestrado, pesquisou a questão do despotismo na obra de Montesquieu. No doutorado, analisou a relação entre Constituição e soberania popular na filosofia de Condorcet. Atualmente, está investigando a relação entre Ética e Política no pensamento de Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz no curso de Doutorado em Direito na UFMG. 




Como Citar

Reis, P. C. (2021). The national will in Condorcet’s philosophy. REVISTA QUAESTIO IURIS, 14(04), 1620–1635.