a practical look at the concept of freedom with a philosophy approach for children in early childhood





early childhood, social studies, philosophy for children, freedom.


Both social studies and preschool programs mention freedom as a value. However, in typical social studies curricula, the philosophical perspective is not included and no discussion takes place. In the preschool curriculum, freedom is an abstract concept, and the belief that children cannot understand abstract concepts prevails, while value studies are still limited to determining the frequency of values rather than interrogating them. As such, this  study aims to explore young children's views on the concept of freedom, how these views changed after their participation in a philosophically oriented activity, and how, consequently, the concept of freedom might be addressed in social studies on a philosophical level. The researchers used an applied qualitative study design, in which 19 children (14 boys, 5 girls) aged 5-6 years were interviewed before and after the presentation of the well-known folk tale “Rapunzel,” along with the question, “… am I free?” An exercise taken from the Philosophy for Children curriculum, "Freedom is similar to…, because…” was used in both pre and post interviews. The study used semi-structured interviews and document analysis as data collection instruments. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive and content analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that before the activity,  children tended to discuss the meaning of freedom in the context of its limits (e.g. permission, prohibition, rules), and, following the activity, in the context of positive freedoms (e.g. growth,  being independent).

Author Biographies

deniz yüceer, independent researcher

social studies

sevgi coşkun keskin, sakarya university

social studies


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How to Cite

yüceer, deniz, & coşkun keskin, sevgi. (2023). a practical look at the concept of freedom with a philosophy approach for children in early childhood. Childhood & Philosophy, 19, 01–31. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2023.74047



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