becoming and contagion in the dance: an teaching experience between childhood


  • catarina resende Universidade Federal Fluminense


Contagion, becoming-child, dance, contact, communication between bodies


This paper reflects on the becoming-child and the contagion of bodies from an educational experiment with bodily practices of somatic education and dance, at the point where they allow the body to an opening statement of uniqueness. In conjunction with the dance of somatic education, the body comes into play as a support for the trial itself. In teaching these practices are not used guidelines policies, working on the deconstruction of certain pedagogical tradition of dance that uses body movements and standardized. Outside that ideal learning occurs in a reference to itself, inventive possibilities of new motor-sensory deficits. Here, teaching experience in question occurred in a class of Awareness of Movement offered for adults in a group paradoxically heterogeneous and indistinct as the ratings of "aged" young, adult and elder. That is, the opening of the body to play, to experiment with you and welcome affirmation of the uniqueness of the chronology of the life of each one, and simultaneously, this extrapolates to when the event relates to human existence, with the time of Aion . However, some sporadic events have highlighted the "heterogeneity" and "blurring" of the group even more radical when classes were inhabited by the presence of children. Observe the dilution of the contours of Kronos these bodies, the principle so far apart, provided an important trigger for thought and the contagiousness of a direct communication between the bodies when they move into becoming the dance. It is worth noting that the report of these experiments not to legitimize the child from becoming-adults due to the presence of children in the same environment, because even being a child does not guarantee becoming-child. But precisely because he had an opening of the bodies that might be a direct communication between them. If there were contagion, was formed as a single body, without the regency of Kronos, which echoed one another in a mutual agency of the bodies. Thus, the dance was composed of children growing, dispersed in a variety of playful childhoods in relation to the body. The becoming-child orientation was the creator of the new possibilities of bodily movements, as the process can open up to the moment and enjoy it, and overcome the dilution of the self. Was what enabled the production of creative sensibility, the emergence of the unknown.


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Author Biography

catarina resende, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Psicóloga e bailarina, doutoranda em Estudos da Subjetividade do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da UFF.



How to Cite

resende, catarina. (2011). becoming and contagion in the dance: an teaching experience between childhood. Childhood & Philosophy, 6(12), pp.255–279. Retrieved from


