a comicsophy approach to teaching philosophy





comics, philosophy, teaching, comicsophy


The paper presents an innovative approach to teaching philosophy, which the authors name as a comicsophy approach to teaching philosophy. Such creative application of comics in the teaching of philosophy fully corresponds to the skandalonic and dialogical character of philosophy itself. The methodical value of using comics in philosophy teaching is manifested exactly in comics’ distinctly skandalonic character. The skandalon is a methodical process that seeks to provoke students' curiosity by questioning something that otherwise seemed unquestionable, self-evident, to present it in a new light, in order to make it the subject of critical questioning and reflection. Given the visuality of the comics, its fun and root in popular culture, it is an excellent motivational tool for philosophical reflection and understanding of reality, philosophical issues, ideas and concepts in teaching philosophy. By introducing comics as recognizable products of pop culture close to students' reading interest and experience in teaching philosophy, it is easier for them to connect what they learn in school with real life, ie to apply what they have learned in everyday life situations. Comics can be used as a source of information, a form of learning new content, as well as a basis for encouraging dialog and discussion in the classroom. Also, students can individually or in pairs/groups create comics on specific philosophical topics, thus developing creative, critical and collaborative thinking. The paper presents specific criteria for evaluating comics on philosophical issues that students create in philosophy classes.


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Author Biographies

haris cerić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Associate professor at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

elmana cerić, Second Gymnasium Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Elmana Cerić (1973) is a Mr.sc. of Philosophy and PhD candidate at Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Philosophy) at University of Zagreb. She works as Philosophy, Logic and Theory of knowledge teacher in Druga gimnazija Sarajevo.
She completed SAPERE UK (P4C) Level 1, 2, 3 teachers' trainings and she delivers teachers' trainings in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Her research interests are Philosophy for Children (she currently works on doctoral dissertation "Philosophical and Educational Foundations of Philosophy with Children and its Application in Teaching"), Philosophy of Education and philosophy teaching methodology.


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How to Cite

cerić, haris, & cerić, elmana. (2022). a comicsophy approach to teaching philosophy. Childhood & Philosophy, 18, 01–22. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2022.64892


