Fake news on electoral propaganda
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fake news
internet advertisement
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How to Cite

Pinheiro, A. L. B., Santos, D. M. G., & Targino, H. A. (2018). Fake news on electoral propaganda. Ballot, 4(1-2), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.12957/ballot.2018.66220


The present work aims to examine the paradigms of political propaganda and the influence of false news during the election campaign. The research technique used for the preparation of the study is bibliographical, using as data the pertinent legislation, resolutions, jurisprudence and doctrine. The research has an exploratory-descriptive character with a methodology of qualitative type, based fundamentally on the deductive method. The first part of this is intended to discuss political propaganda and its types; the second on the fake news and its repercussion; and finally, the third on the right of response on the internet arising from fake news. The results of tbis article indicated the scarce regulation of this matter, constituting a real taint to the democratic process.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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