Five axes towards a philosophy of design


  • Daniel B. Portugal UFRJ
  • Marcos Beccari USP



philosophy of design, disciplinary borders, theoretical axis.


This article offers some contributions for the structuring of a philosophy of design. It delineates five reflexive axis that could form the core of this discipline. Thinking about the structure of a philosophy of design in terms of axis opens up the possibility of leaving behind closed definitions of design. Each axis approaches the subject “design” from a different angle: In the first axis, the design is seen as a carrier of meaning; in the second, as a carrier of affects; in the third, as a means of dealing with new technologies and with the new ways of “being in the world” they bring forward; in the fourth, as a constitutive part of cultures defined by the centrality of media and consumption; in the fifth, as a specific way of thinking, knowing and articulating “modes of being”.

Author Biographies

Daniel B. Portugal, UFRJ

Doutorando em Comunicação e cultura na UFRJ (bolsista CNPq). Mestre em Comunicação e práticas de consumo pela ESPM-SP. Co-autor do livro Existe Design? (2ab, 2013). Co-coordenador do site Filosofia do design.

Marcos Beccari, USP

Doutorando em Educação pela USP (bolsista CAPES). Mestre em Design pela UFPR. Co-autor do livro Existe Design? (2ab, 2013). Co-coordenador do site Filosofia do design.



How to Cite

Portugal, D. B., & Beccari, M. (2016). Five axes towards a philosophy of design. Arcos Design, 9(1), 1–14.


