They’re talking about penal abolition: The urgency of re-imagining different paths as alternatives to the criminal justice system / Eles estão falando sobre abolicionismo penal: a urgência de re-imaginar caminhos alternativos ao sistema de justiça criminal


  • Jehanne Hulsman Hultman Foundation
  • Diogo Justino Universidade do Vale do Cricaré


Abolicionismo penal, Populismo penal, Segurança pública / Penal abolitionism, Penal populism, Public security.


DOI: 10.1590/2179-8966/2020/57285


Este artigo pretende afirmar a centralidade dos temas da segurança pública e do populismo penal para a compreensão da conjuntura política atual. A partir desta premissa, mostraremos como estes temas são trabalhados por setores antagônicos da sociedade. Então, a partir da crítica da pena de prisão e do controle, será possível oferecer chaves para compreensão do momento em que vivemos e respostas que rompam com o punitivismo.

Palavras-chave: Abolicionismo penal, populismo penal, segurança pública.



This article affirms the centrality of the themes of public security and penal populism for the understanding of the current political situation. From this premise, we will demonstrate how these themes dealt with by antagonistic sectors of society. Then, based on the criticism of the prison and control, it will be possible to offer keys for understanding the moment in which we live and responses that oppose punitivism.

Keywords: Penal abolitionism, penal populism, public security.


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Biografia do Autor

Jehanne Hulsman, Hultman Foundation

Journalist, Writer and Attorney. Director of the Hulsman Foundation. Board Member of the Human Rights Foundation (2005 - 2010). Invited lecturer on postgraduate courses in Dubrovnik (Croatia), in Johannesburg (South Africa), in New Delhi (India), and in the European Group of Critical Criminology and at ICOPA (International Conference on Penal Abolition). Guest Teacher at the Free University in Berlin and in Kiel University. ORCID: 0000-0002-4091-9797. 

Diogo Justino, Universidade do Vale do Cricaré

Master and PhD in Theory and Philosophy of Law (State University of Rio de Janeiro), with sandwich period at the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC - Spain). Coordinator of the Working Group on Law, Memory and Transitional Justice at IPDMS (Institute for Research, Rights and Social Movements). Member of the Laboratory of Critiques and Alternatives to Prison (LabCap). Master's Professor at Vale do Cricaré University (FVC-ES). ORCID: 0000-0003-0313-2482.




Como Citar

Hulsman, J., & Justino, D. (2021). They’re talking about penal abolition: The urgency of re-imagining different paths as alternatives to the criminal justice system / Eles estão falando sobre abolicionismo penal: a urgência de re-imaginar caminhos alternativos ao sistema de justiça criminal. Revista Direito E Práxis, 12(1), 444–471. Recuperado de