Critical Appreciation of the value’s notion in Miguel Reale’s Three Dimensional Theory of Law


  • Ricardo Afonso-Rocha Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
  • Iago dos Santos Moura-Melo Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
  • Carlos Roberto Guimarães Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC



Phenomenology, Axiology, Ontognosiology, Three-Dimensional Theory of Law, Axiological Invariants.


The present essay appreciates critically the notion of the present value in the thought of Miguel Reale wich has been extracted of your Three-Dimensional Theory of Law (1994). Seeks to analyze, based on theoretical and methodological contributions of the studies of phenomenology hermeneutic developped by Martin Heidegger in your work Being and Time (Sein und Zeit) from 1929, Reale's proposal of synthesis between personalism and historicism, in order to realize if there is theorical consistence in the synthesis that the paulista mester intends between the doctrines husserlian and kantian, from which strengthen what is called “axiological invariants”. Therefore, a priori it shows his notion of value as synthesis, which enables the comprehension of the entity by the correlation ontognoseologic between subject-object, that is formed as culture by the objectification of the conciousness' intentionality on the historical processes. Thereby, he intends to suggest that by doing this movement, Reale does not overcomes both, kantian ah husserlian, traditions like he affirms, besides, he also does not mantains strictly loyal to these philosophical traditions.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Afonso-Rocha, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Law degree candidate at Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC). Jurisdição Constitucional, Hermenêutica e Democracia group researcher with financial aid.

Iago dos Santos Moura-Melo, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Law degree candidate at Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC). Jurisdição Constitucional, Hermenêutica e Democracia group researcher with financial aid.

Carlos Roberto Guimarães, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Philosophy degree at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). Masters in Philosophy at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). PhD in Philosophy candidate at UFRJ. Professor at Jurisdição Constitucional, Hermenêutica e Democracia group.



How to Cite

Afonso-Rocha, R., Moura-Melo, I. dos S., & Guimarães, C. R. (2016). Critical Appreciation of the value’s notion in Miguel Reale’s Three Dimensional Theory of Law. Revista Publicum, 2(2), 169–204.



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