Mentoring in teacher training: negotiating meanings in Practice as a Curricular Component (PCC)




Local Creativity, Decoloniality, Critical Interculturality, Mentoring


The aim of this article is to revisit the proposal for mentoring in initial teacher training with a view to encoura­ging local creativity as a contingent and dynamic in-between space for negotiating meanings between local conditions and global demands (NUNES, 2022). In order to investigate how a mentoring programme contribu­tes to the perception of this in-between space and the value of local practices, field trip activities were propo­sed in a course focused on Practice as Curricular Component (PCC). As theoretical support, the psychology of creativity, humanistic psychology, the premises of pedagogical agency in Kumaravadivelu’s (2012) KARDS model are interwoven, as well as studies on the role of mentoring in the initial training of teachers, including decolonial and intercultural perspectives. The results of this process are compared with the panorama of the thesis, taking into account the scope of the mentoring proposal, the time and availability to carry it out in the discipline. The analysis of the results reveals the emergence of dialogical spaces of negotiation and creation for pedagogical practice, as well as the need to address the discomfort caused by the displacement of critical and decolonial perspectives.

Author Biography

Elaine Roschel Nunes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

É doutora em Língua e Literatura Alemã pela Universidade de São Paulo (2021), com doutorado sanduíche (bolsa CAPES-Print – USP) na Universidade de Augsburg (Alemanha). Ganhadora do Prêmio “Luiz Antônio Marcuschi” de Teses e Dissertações da Anpoll de 2023. Atualmente, desenvolve pesquisas nas áreas de Formação de professoras/es de línguas, Educação Linguística e Mentoria. É professora do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Roschel Nunes, E. (2024). Mentoring in teacher training: negotiating meanings in Practice as a Curricular Component (PCC). MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 31(61), 102–114.



Linguistic Papers