Flaubert: the celibate machine





Imaginary, fetishism, hermeneutics, celibate machine, sadomasochism


This article proposes a new interpretation of The Family Idiot, moving away from traditional biographical con­ceptions such as chronological, dialectical, psychoanalytic, and thematic approaches. Following the paths opened by Sartre in The Imaginary, where signs and magic coexist, it adopts a kaleidoscopic methodology inspired by a “conceptual” framework, akin to Marcel Duchamp. The subject is captured in the transparency of glass through a transversal gaze supported by X-ray probe scans at different levels: characters (father, mother, close friends), sexual relationships, places, and book references. What follows are folds of shadow and light that illuminate Flaubert’s obsessions: dreams of ascent or descent, passivity, stupidity, fetishism, sadomaso­chism. The pursuit of objects, with multiple possible couplings, outlines a form of work and hermeneutics in a fan-like fashion in disconnected fragments, constituting the “Flaubert’s celibate machine” as conceptualized in the notions of the body without organs or caress, later developed by Deleuze and Derrida.

Author Biography

Michel Sicard, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

É Professor Emérito da Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Nascido em 1950, escreveu seu primeiro estudo “Aspectos românticos da crítica literária de Sartre”, em 1972. Conheceu Sartre pouco depois e se tornaria um de seus principais interlocutores até o fim da vida. Publicou na revista Obliques: “Sartre” (1979) e “Sartre et les arts” (1981), dois grandes volumes contendo suas entrevistas com Sartre e as edições feitas por ele de obras inéditas sartrianas, notadamente “O engajamento de Mallarmé” e “São Marcos e seu duplo” (em Tintoretto). Publicou cerca de dez livros sobre Sartre, incluindo Ensaios sobre Sartre (Paris, Éd. Galilée) e Sartre − Pensare l’arte (Milão, Ed. Marinotti). Especialista em estética, Michel Sicard organizou exposições sobre Sartre (Villa Médicis, BnF) e, sendo ele mesmo artista, expôs extensivamente em todo o mundo (Alemanha, Coreia, China etc.) as suas próprias obras plásticas e os seus livros de artista.


DERRIDA, Jacques. Le Toucher. Jean-Luc Nancy. Paris : Galilée, 2000.

FLAUBERT, Gustave. OEuvres de jeunesse. La Pléiade, Paris : Gallimard, 1990.

FREUD, Sigmund. Le fétichisme. In : La vie sexuelle. Paris. Presses Universitaires de France, 1927.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. Les mots. Paris : Gallimard, 1964.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. L’idiot de la famille : Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857. Paris : Gallimard, 1971-1972, 3 tomes.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. Saint Marc et son double. Le séquestré de Venise. Inédit. In : Obliques, nº 24/25, Sartre et les arts (éd. Michel Sicard), Editions Borderie, Nyons, 1981, p. 171-202.



How to Cite

Sicard, M. (2024). Flaubert: the celibate machine. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 31(61), 115–126. https://doi.org/10.12957/matraga.2024.79809



Literature Papers