Walks of the non-hero through the Americas: Kafka and João Gilberto Noll





Novel, Trip, Wandering, Subject, Animalization


The protagonists of Kafka’s novels and a good part of his short stories are individuals lost in a strange, incom­prehensible world, as if they were foreigners looking for a way to understand and be understood by the other. A vain and infinite search, which leads them to wander through the cities, two steps away from what seems to be the (happy) destination of the journey and which soon after is out of reach, in an eternal postponement. This profile can already be seen in the author’s first novel, The disappeared or Amerika (2003), in which the young Karl Rossman, leaving Germany for the United States, begins his journey as a foreigner in a hostile country, as a kind of non-hero, figure that would come to superimpose, in contemporary times, the romantic hero and the modernist anti-hero, as in the work of João Gilberto Noll, especially in the novel O quieto animal da esquina (1991). The article departs from the idea of the non-hero as the protagonist of both Kafka’s and Noll’s work, seeking to see how the feeling of strangeness is constructed, in the mentioned novels, from the wanderings of the characters in a search guided more by instinct than by reason, undertaking both an endless journey, which in a certain way dialogues with the writing of the two authors – in these and other works –, in the open, always leaving the impression of a deliberate unfinished business.

Author Biography

Flávio Carneiro, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Tem doutorado em Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa pela PUC-Rio. É Professor Titular de Li- teratura Brasileira na UERJ, e publicou, dentre outros, os livros de ensaios No país do presente: ficção brasileira no início do século XXI (Rocco, 2005) e O leitor fingido (Rocco, 2010).


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BORGES, Jorge Luis. Prólogos: con un prólogo de prólogos. Buenos Aires: Torres Agüero Editor, 1975.

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LAGES, Susana Kampff. Das (im)possibilidades de traduzir Kafka. In: KAFKA, Franz. O desaparecido ou Amerika. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2003.

LIMA, Luiz Costa. Intervenções. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo (EDUSP), 2002.

KAFKA, Franz. Carta ao pai. Tradução e posfácio por Modesto Carone. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1986.

KAFKA, Franz. A metamorfose. 8. ed. Tradução e posfácio por Modesto Carone. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1989.

KAFKA, Franz. O processo. Tradução e posfácio por Modesto Carone. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1997.

KAFKA, Franz. O castelo. Tradução por Modesto Carone. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2000.

KAFKA, Franz. O desaparecido ou Amerika. Tradução, notas e posfácio por Susana Kampff Lages. São Pau¬lo: Editora 34, 2003.

NOLL, João Gilberto. O quieto animal da esquina. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1991.

NOLL, João Gilberto. Berkeley em Bellagio. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2002.

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How to Cite

Carneiro, F. (2023). Walks of the non-hero through the Americas: Kafka and João Gilberto Noll. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 30(60), 477–489. https://doi.org/10.12957/matraga.2023.74555