Son of a mother: a feminist reading of “Meu tio o Iauaretê”




Relation, Feminist Theory, Amerindian Perspectivism, ‘Meu tio o Iauaretê’.


This article aims at a short analysis of ‘Meu tio o Iauaretê’, João Guimarães Rosa’s novel published for the first time in 1961. It seeks to construct possible meanings to the relation that Rosa’s text imposes through its form – a dialogue – and to the relation as a device that generates the narrator’s individuality. Moreover, I will argue that ‘Meu tio o Iauaretê’ performs the narrator’s choice for the maternal indigenous ancestry, that is, he becomes a jaguar as a way of belonging to his mother’s, and not his father’s, lineage. His being is beyond the hybridism between human being and animal, constructed by a narrative that claims for the specific materiality of a body transforming itself into a jaguar. In order to accomplish this, I will dialogue with contemporary feminist philosophers and with concepts from Anthropology. I will attempt, thus, to create a political reading of ‘Meu tio o Iauaretê’.

Author Biography

Carolina Correia dos Santos, UFRJ - PACC

Doutora em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada pela USP. Foi pesquisadora Pos Doc Nota 10 - FAPERJ, entre 2016-2019; professora de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada entre 2014 e 2016 na UFRJ e professora de Filospfia no curso de Arquitetura da Universidade Santa Úrsula. Atualmente, é pesquisadora do Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea (PACC) da UFRJ, sendo editora executiva da sua publicacão, Revista Z Cultural. 

Aguarda nomeação, impedida pela pandemia de covid-19, como professora adjunta de Teoria Literária na UERJ.



How to Cite

Correia dos Santos, C. (2021). Son of a mother: a feminist reading of “Meu tio o Iauaretê”. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 28(52), 141–153.



Literature Papers