Current introductory books to German as a foreign language: didactic-methodological knowledge regimes in transition




German as a Foreign Language, Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse, Postmethod Era


The article aims to investigate how the history and the current didactic-methodological discussion are presented in five introductory books to German as a Foreign Language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache, DaF) published between 2012 and 2018 (RÖSLER, 2012; HUNEKE & STEINIG, 2013; ROCHE, 2013; BRINITZER et al., 2016; GEHRING, 2018). We start from the assumption that the 20th century history of language teaching usually focusses on the search for the best method, while in the beginning of the 21st century there is a paradigm shift towards a post-method pedagogy (cf. KUMARAVADIVELU, 2006). In order to investigate the narration of this transitional moment by scholars in the field of DaF, we adopt concepts of the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) by Keller (2011a, 2011b), which is still relatively unknown in Brazil. SKAD investigates the processes of construction, legitimation and transformation of knowledge fields from an angle that combines the Foucaultian perspective on discourse with the sociology of knowledge presented by Berger and Luckmann (1966). The analysis of the corpus reveals the presence of divergent discursive strategies in the introductory books, both with regard to the presentation of the past and the evaluation of the recent didactic-methodological scenario, pointing to changing knowledge regimes in the current academic discussion.


Original in German.

Author Biography

Dörthe Uphoff, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Professora de língua alemã e metodologia de ensino no Departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e doutora em Linguística Aplicada pelo Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da UNICAMP (2009). Realizou estágio de pós-doutoramento na Universidade de Augsburg, Alemanha (2018). Orienta trabalhos de pesquisa sobre o ensino-aprendizagem de alemão como língua estrangeira em nível de graduação e pós-graduação. Suas áreas de interesse incluem questões de poder no ensino de línguas, princípios metodológicos, material didático, formação de professores e a história do ensino de alemão no Brasil



How to Cite

Uphoff, D. (2020). Current introductory books to German as a foreign language: didactic-methodological knowledge regimes in transition. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 27(49), 13–33.



Linguistic Papers