Cecília Meireles and ‘Travel in Brazil’: two religious festivities in Rio de Janeiro - Santo Antônio and Nossa Senhora da Penha





Religious tourism, Vargas Government, Travel in Brazil Magazine, Cecília Meireles.


This paper intends to analyze two illustrated articles, published in the magazine Travel in Brazil (1941-1942), edited by Cecília Meireles: “A very strange Colonel” and “Penha”. Both deal with the publicizing of religious festivities in Rio de Janeiro to the North-American public, in the context of the Brazilian “Estado Novo”. The aims of the analysis are to verify the authorship of the articles on the basis of their writing style, to compare the versions of religious legends they report with those from other sources, to discuss what kind of tourist or traveler they targeted and to relate the photographic images to the verbal texts in the context of the modernizing ideology of the Vargas Government.

Author Biography

Luis Antonio Contatori Romano, Unifesspa

Professor de Estudos Literários no Instituto de Linguística, Letras e Artes (ILLA) da Unifesspa. Pesquisador Produtividade do CNPq. Pós-doutorado em Literatura Brasileira pelo IEB-USP, Doutorado e Mestrado em Teoria e História Literária pela Unicamp. Autor de "Cecília Meireles e a Travel in Brazil (1941-1942)" (S. Paulo: Intermeios, 2019) "A Poeta-Viajante: Uma Teoria Poética da Viagem Contemporânea nas Crônicas de Cecília Meireles" (S.Paulo: Intermeios-Fapesp, 2014), "Reminiscências de um Viajante" (Campinas: Komedi, 2007) e "A Passagem de Sartre e Simone de Beauvoir pelo Brasil em 1960" (Campinas: Mercado de Letras-Fapesp, 2002).



How to Cite

Contatori Romano, L. A. (2020). Cecília Meireles and ‘Travel in Brazil’: two religious festivities in Rio de Janeiro - Santo Antônio and Nossa Senhora da Penha. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 27(49), 210–228. https://doi.org/10.12957/matraga.2020.44336



Literature Papers