Multiculturalism and teaching training in Spanish: the curriculum as resistance


  • Mirian Ferreira Grees Universidade Federal Fluminense



curriculum, speech, multiculturalism, teacher training.


From the curricular grades and menus of the licentiate course in Letters / Spanish from four public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro (University Federal Rural of Rio de Janeiro, University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, University Federal Fluminense and University of Estado of Rio de Janeiro), the present work seeks to contribute to the critical multicultural curriculum in teacher education, observing the meanings produced through the curriculum and reflecting on the discursive constructions and lack of cultural representation in the official curriculum. After the recollection of the corpus, we compared and analysed the different types of multiculturalism found. In our documentary research, we realized that even the theme having grown in recent years, the curriculum still privileges the teaching of certain cultures and the existing cultural diversity continues to be erase.

Author Biography

Mirian Ferreira Grees, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Licenciada em Letras - Português / Espanhol / Literaturas pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (2015) . Especialista em Educação Linguística e Práticas Docentes em Espanhol - LE pelo Colégio Pedro II (2017). Mestranda em Estudos de Linguagem pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2020). Aprovada e selecionada para o mestrado do Programa de Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana da UERJ em 2017. Professora Língua Espanhola Doc 16h SEEDUC.



How to Cite

Grees, M. F. (2019). Multiculturalism and teaching training in Spanish: the curriculum as resistance. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 26(46), 98–121.



Linguistic Papers