The autobiography in the country of polemic


  • Françoise Simonet-Tenant Université de Rouen



Autobiography. Autofiction. Autobiographical Pact. Autobiographical Space. Philippe Lejeune.


This article has Philippe Lejeune’s pathway as its point of departure, for having introduced the concept of the autobiographical pact in L’autobiographie en France (1971), his first book. It then visits his controversy with philosopher Georges Gusdorf, who criticized him for his rhetorical approach, his formalist and disembodied perspective of autobiographic writing. Finally, it renders the rise of autofiction by Serge Doubrovsky. Following, the article criticizes the polarization between both concepts, by demonstrating how reductionist it can be. The concept of autofiction is then explored in three main trends: the orthodox, which strictly follows Doubrovsky’s proposal; Jacques Lecarme’s, which expands it to encompass 20th-century authors previous to the term’s coinage; and Vicent Colonna’s heterodox trend, which applies it to any historical period whenever an author nominally inserts himself into his work. Besides, after comparing autofiction’s seductiveness to autobiography’s apparent ancientness, the text analyzes the concept of the autobiographical space, created by Lejeune.


Original in French.





Author Biography

Françoise Simonet-Tenant, Université de Rouen

Doutora, com Agregação em Letras Modernas, é professora da Universidade de Rouen (França). Sua área de atuação são as escritas de si. É autora de Le Journal intime (Nathan, 2001) e Journal personnel et correspondance (1785-1939) ou les affinités électives, (Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant, 2009). Organizou e/ ou co-organizou várias obras coletivas e números de revista : Le propre de l’écriture de soi (éditions Téraèdre, 2007) ; « Lettre et journal person­nel », Épistolaire (Champion, 2006) ; « L’épistolaire à La Nouvelle Revue française (1909-1940) », Épistolaire (Champion, 2008) ; Journaux per­sonnels, Genesis n° 32, PUPS, mars 2011 ; Intime et politique, Itinéraires. Littérature, textes, cultures, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012-2. Organizou o Dictionnaire de l’autobiographie. Écritures de soi de langue française, publicado pela editora Champion em 2017




How to Cite

Simonet-Tenant, F. (2017). The autobiography in the country of polemic. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 24(42), 592–610.