The fictional imposition in <i>The counterlife</i> and <i>The facts</i>, by Philip Roth


  • Adriano Schwartz Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



Fiction. Contemporary novel. Autobiography. Philip Roth.


This article aims to discuss the relation between fiction and autobiography in Philip Roth’s work, by specifically tackling the books The Counterlife, the 1986 novel that is Roth’s most radical experimentation in fiction, and The Facts, an “autobiographic” text published by him a short time after that, in 1988. The objective of the analysis is to show how intertwined these two works are, that the clash between life and invention is ever-present in both of them, and that invention is invariably the winning force.





Author Biography

Adriano Schwartz, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Doutor em Teoria Literária e Literatura Com­parada pela USP, fez um pós-doutorado em Princeton (2011). É professor de literatura contemporânea no programa de pós-graduação em Estudos Culturais da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da USP, autor de O Abismo Invertido, Pessoa, Borges e a Inquietude do Romance em O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis, de Saramago (Ed. Globo) e organizador de Memórias do Presente – Cem Entrevistas do Mais! (Publifolha). Tem pesquisado nos últimos anos as relações entre ficção e autobiografia no romance contemporâneo e a teoria da ficção



How to Cite

Schwartz, A. (2017). The fictional imposition in <i>The counterlife</i> and <i>The facts</i>, by Philip Roth. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 24(42), 576–591.