From reported speech to discourse circulation: a Baktinian reformulation of a grammatical notion


  • Dóris de Arruda C. da Cunha UFPE/CNPq


reported speech, discourse circulation, Bakhtinian theory.


This paper is a synthesis, albeit not exhaustive, of the studies on reported speech. It claims that the Bakhtinian postulates opened up ways for the reformulation of both a grammatical notion and of a research area, investigated only at the end of the seventies by the French linguistics of enunciation. At present, certain works on language teaching define direct speech, a supposed uptake of the literal form of the original discourse, as an uptake of another enunciation. In the last thirty years, the literature devoted to this topic has analysed the formal, morpho-syntactic, semantic and pragmatic relations between two discourses. Thus, according to the principle of dialogism, all reporting discourse may become reported, in a telescopic-like phenomenon of successive embeddings. Cases of condensation, dispersion, reaccentuation of semantisms and positioning of the enunciators develop from this. The analysis of a corpus, made up of a denunciation published in a national magazine and subsequently republished in the form of newspaper articles, illustrate the theoretical advances of the Bakhtinian proposal. This analysis shows the discourses as circulating and the reported speech as a relational phenomenon. The analysis also points to the possibility of dealing with the phenomenon of discourse circulation within teaching, using schemes of transmission, i.e., direct, indirect and free indirect speech.

Author Biography

Dóris de Arruda C. da Cunha, UFPE/CNPq

Doutora em Ciências da Linguagem pela Universidade de Paris V (1990), é professora associada nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em Letras da UFPE, onde orienta dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado. Faz parte do Ci-Dit, ( e do NELFE (Núcleo de Estudos Lingüísticos da Fala e da Escrita). É autora do livro Discours rapporté et circulation de la parole , publicado pelas Editoras Peeters e Louvain-la-Neuve e de artigos e capítulos de livros publicados em periódicos, anais de congressos e livros nacionais e internacionais. É pesquisadora do CNPq.



How to Cite

Cunha, D. de A. C. da. (2008). From reported speech to discourse circulation: a Baktinian reformulation of a grammatical notion. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 15(22). Retrieved from