To put it simply


  • Luciana Salgado UNICAMP


authorship, text edition, textual progression.


It is possible to speak today of linguistic editorial practices and editorial linguistic practices. The former are a set of characteristics of a written text meant to be published – this includes linguistic material demanding technical procedures such as cataloguing and normalizations, relative to the support itself and its circulation. The latter, closely connected with the former, arose out of the development of linguistic theories in the 20th century, as well as of the demand that took place regarding the formation of readers, the theories and practices that stemmed from such formation and the substantial multiplication of titles and writers. Speaking of editorial linguistic practices, we consider such practices in their historical dynamics analyzing some texts going through editorial treatment, in which an interlocution is established and new plots and paths are created. Based on a Textual Linguistics which sees texts as “places of movement”, one may understand that the original author’s text, once started an editing journey, never disposes of its author, but allows some changes in its main features.

Author Biography

Luciana Salgado, UNICAMP

Doutoranda no IEL, UNICAMP. Sua pesquisa se concentra na dinâmica do mercado editorial, notadamente na refle­xão sobre autoria. Tem artigos publicados em periódicos especializados e também se dedica à difusão do conhecimento lingüístico, participan­do de coletâneas como a recém-lançada Desafios do Consumo (Vozes, 2007), na qual figura entre pesquisadores de diversos campos convida­dos a discutir temas contemporâneos. É assessora de projetos editoriais coletivos, dentre os quais o do Instituto do Grêmio Politécnico para o Desenvolvimento da Educação.



How to Cite

Salgado, L. (2008). To put it simply. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 15(22). Retrieved from