The meta-enunciative stratum, inscription of the subject in his saying: theoretical and descriptive implications of a literal approach, an example of unrealizable modalities of the saying


  • Jacqueline Authier-Revuz Universidade de Paris3-Sorbonne Nouvelle


metalinguistic reflexivity, non-coincidences of saying, unrealizable modes of saying.


There is no outside place from where to apprehend language in itself –  sense and enunciation – as objects, but there is from its inside, the possibility of a reflexive return of the enunciator upon his own words; there is a metalinguistic stratum allowing the reflexive return of the enunciator to his own words by means of other words. Be it discreet or invasive, this meta-enunciative monitoring deserves special attention, given the unique way each one negotiates this movement: this “supplementary reaching” of the meta-enunciation brings about deep zones of the enunciation, intimate gears of each one´s mode of  “inscribing” oneself in language and its peculiarities. In this paper, we discuss some of the formal, enunciative properties of these “enunciation moments”, which constitute, in the sayings, the reflexive turns taken; a meta-enunciative approach will be adopted, particularly directed to the multiple nuances of the unrealizable modes of saying, which consist of saying X in a self-represented mode of not doing so.

Author Biography

Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, Universidade de Paris3-Sorbonne Nouvelle

Professora emérita de lingüística na Universidade de Paris3-Sorbonne Nouvelle. Sua reflexão, centrada nas heterogeneidades constitutivas da enunciação e na relação do sujeito com a linguagem, passa sobretudo pela análise dos fatos de reflexividade metalingüística. Ela é conhecida pela obra « Ces mots qui ne vont pas de soi- boucles réflexives et non-coincidences du dire »(1995, prêmio Larousse de ciências da linguagem) e pelos numerosos artigos dentre os quais alguns figuram de dois livros de ensaios no Brasil : « Palavras incertas (Unicamp,1998), e « Entre a transparência e a opacidade (Edipucrs 2004)



How to Cite

Authier-Revuz, J. (2008). The meta-enunciative stratum, inscription of the subject in his saying: theoretical and descriptive implications of a literal approach, an example of unrealizable modalities of the saying. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 15(22). Retrieved from