The hand of the poet: signs, symbols and lexicon


  • Marcus Alexandre Motta UERJ


sign, lexicon, poems, poetry, Pessoa.


This paper aims to reflect upon the lexical circumstance of the poet’s hand in two poems by “Fernando Pessoa” – one comes from the work Fausto and the other from his heteronym Álvaro de Campos. The idea of a lexicon proper to the symbolic act of a poetic hand is here countersigned by the notion of a dictionary that comprehends the passage from nature to the culture that is waiting for it. In this way, the poet’s hand’s lexicon witnesses, by illusion and irony, poetry’s nonacquaintance, configuring it as a singular address: to the other, the language. Thus, poems, being the creatures that they are, reveal the “unconditional lexicology” from that hand.

Author Biography

Marcus Alexandre Motta, UERJ

Doutor em História Social pela UFRJ, professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras do Instituto de Letras e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte e Cultura Contemporânea do Instituto de Artes da UERJ. Publicou, dentre outros, os livros Ensaios e Esparadrapos – cenas de leitura da obra Fernando Pessoa (2009) e Extratos de ópio I – a artisticidade da arte Fernando Pessoa (2009), além de diversos artigos e capítulos sobre literatura portuguesa e outros temas.



How to Cite

Motta, M. A. (2011). The hand of the poet: signs, symbols and lexicon. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 18(28). Retrieved from



Linguistic Papers