The lexicon of popular songs: samba lyrics


  • Flávio de Aguiar Barbosa UERJ


Lexicography, Corpus Linguistics, Urban samba of Rio de Janeiro, Semiolinguistic Discourse Analysis.


This article is a contribution to the study of popular varieties of Brazilian Portuguese. A corpus of samba lyrics was compiled with songs by three samba composers who worked in the first decades of the 20th century in Rio de Janeiro: Ismael Silva, Cartola and Paulo da Portela. They are considered model composers of this period and were also leaders of historical samba schools: Deixa Falar, Mangueira and Portela. The paper will briefly present how the research was conducted and its results. In addition, it also focuses on the delimitation of lexical bundles and the terminology of samba.

Author Biography

Flávio de Aguiar Barbosa, UERJ

Doutor, professor de Filologia Românica da UERJ e lexicógrafo. Colaborou no Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa (2001), no Houaiss ilustrado de música popular brasileira (2006) e nos dicionários escolares Houaiss (2001) e Caldas Aulete (2005) entre outros. Na tese “Palavra de bamba: estudo léxico-discursivo de pioneiros do samba carioca” (2009), dá início à compilação de um corpus de sambas para o estudo do léxico popular.



How to Cite

Barbosa, F. de A. (2011). The lexicon of popular songs: samba lyrics. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 18(28). Retrieved from



Linguistic Papers