
  • Maria Cleci Venturini Unicentro - Campus Santa Cruz


Speech, language, grammar and teaching, effects of senses.


The reflection on the grammar teaching and the text and discourse perspective requires that the idiom and language student be theoretically positioned place these components on the same axis, taking them as process. These positions require a language conception that takes into account not only the regularities that work with the grammar, but also its historical and social functioning and move the sense of grammaticality. The immediate consequence of this is the concept of structured language for two “reals”: the language and history. The first denies the univocity and highlights the language regularities as a way of introducing evidence of homogeneity, and the second covers the impossibility of language be constituted as a totality, setting up the contradiction that affects the materiality in its discoursive functioning. We seek from that affiliation, analyze materialities of different areas, in order to defend the grammar teaching, the language that prioritizes the sense effects, constituted by the historical and social injunctions. We hold our positions on the assumption that within the grammar and its regularities, breaks the misconception, indicating that there is, in the language, spaces for incompleteness, for the impossible, and for opacity. The theoretical fundaments come from scholars of grammar and teaching and also discourse analysts, centered Pecheux, Milner, Gadet and Orlandi.

Author Biography

Maria Cleci Venturini, Unicentro - Campus Santa Cruz

Professora da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. Possui Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Atua na área de Linguística, com ênfase em Estudos discursivos do texto e pesquisa em Letras. É pesquisadora do Laboratório Corpus – UFSM e líder do grupo de pesquisa Língua & Linguagens (UNICENTRO). É membro do corpo permanente do Mestrado em Letras (Unicentro), ministrando as disciplinas Texto, memória, subjetividade; Espaço urbano, memória e patrimônio; Identidade, cultura e representação.



How to Cite

Venturini, M. C. (2012). GRAMMAR TEACHING: REFLECTIONS FROM TEXT AND DISCOURSE PERSPECTIVES. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 19(30). Retrieved from