
  • Cristina Stevens UnB


feminisms, historiographic metafiction, American literature.


From the perspective of feminist and gender studies, as well as with the theoretical contributions related to historiographic metafiction, we briefly comment on some contemporary English/American novels which develop a creative dialectic between the historicity of the text and the textuality of history. These novels are produced by female writers, who create a female narrative voice that register their own ‘herstory’; in doing so, they (re)construct, the contribution of women whose importance has been neglected, rejected, distorted, even erased, in the construction of traditional, patriarchal historiography. Emphasis will be given in the analysis of the novel The Passion of Artemisia (Susan Vreeland)

Author Biography

Cristina Stevens, UnB

Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês pela Universidade de São Paulo (1987), com Pós-Doutorado no Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies - Leeds University/UK (2003). Professora da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa VOZES FEMININAS (http://sites.google.com/site/vozesfemininasunb) e do GT/ANPOLL “A Mulher na Literatura” (2010/ 1012). Publicações: Quando o Tio Sam Pegar no Tamborim: uma perspectiva transcultural do Brasil (Editora Plano: 2000), Caminhos e Colheitas: ensino e pesquisa na área de inglês no Brasil (EDUnB: 2003), Maternidade e Feminismo: diálogos interdisciplinares (Editora Mulheres: 2007), Migração e Identidade: olhares sobre o tema (Centauro: 2007), A Construção dos Corpos: perspectivas feministas (Editora Mulheres: 2008). ‘Mulher e Literatura’ - 25 Anos: Raízes e Rumos (Editora Mulheres: 2010).



How to Cite

Stevens, C. (2012). ‘HERSTORY’: HISTORIOGRAPHIC METAFICTION AND FEMINISM. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 19(31). Retrieved from https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/matraga/article/view/22599



Literature Papers