
  • José Luiz Fiorin USP


value, historicity, organization of language, reality organization.


One of the most common criticisms against Saussure’s theory claims that it negates the historicity of language; language is allegedly thought of as an object without historical dimension, considered as a self-sufficient system. This text aims at showing that this conclusion is founded on a poor reading of the Course in General Linguistics. What Saussure does in his theory of sign is to radically separate language from reality. He posits that the organization of reality is different from the organization of language, because language is not a reflex of the reality, but a human creation. As such, it is radically historical. History is integrated into Saussure’s theory by means of the concept of value; in other words, under the primacy of form. This paper shows what it means to analyze language historicity under the primacy of form.

Author Biography

José Luiz Fiorin, USP

Professor Associado do Departamento de Linguística da Universidade de São Paulo. Além de muitos artigos em revistas especializadas e capítulos de livros, publicou diversos livros, entre os quais As astúcias da enunciação (Ática); Em busca do sentido: estudos discursivos (Contexto); Introdução aopensamento de Bakhtin (Ática); O regime de 1964: discurso e ideologia (Atual); Lições de texto: leitura e redação (Ática); Figuras de retórica (Contexto). Organizou vários livros, entre os quais Introdução à Linguística I. Objetos teóricos (Contexto); Introdução à Linguística II. Princípios de Análise (Contexto).



How to Cite

Fiorin, J. L. (2014). LANGUAGE AND HISTORY IN SAUSSURE. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 21(34). Retrieved from