
  • Lívia M.T. Rádis Baptista UFBa
  • Eliúde Costa Pereira


Educational Technology. Multiliteracies. Digital literacy.


The studies about literacy have pointed to the necessity of reconsidering the ontology and paradigms that are related to the comprehension of several literacy practices, their relationship with the subject in the contemporary society as in the case of the practice that involve technologies and digital resources in scholar environments. Thus, aiming to investigate how the digital literacy has been introduced in the teaching of languages, in the scope of basic education, a survey in a public school was conducted. Such survey was a case study in which the relationship between different conditional contexts of digital literacy insertion was evaluated like, for example, the prescriptive and directive; the infrastructure; the teacher background and, at the end, the practices themselves. The theoretical foundation to conduct this survey relied on the novel studies on literacy (PAHL & ROWSELL, 2012), the presumptive literacy as social practice (STREET, 1984, 2003; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2006, 2011) and the pedagogic proposal of multi-literacy (CAZDEN et al., 1996; ROJO, 2009, 2012), especially in relation to the conception of digital literacy (MARTIN, 2008). Summarily, in our present work, we examined two of these cited contexts, namely, the prescriptive/directive and the practices, from which the analysis has allowed the following aspects to be observed: lack of consonance between these contexts; minimal insertion of the digital literacy in the scholar curriculum; incipient and very punctual insertion of these literacy practices; additionally, these contexts did not take into account the socio-discursive and interactive experiences from the students outside the school.

Author Biographies

Lívia M.T. Rádis Baptista, UFBa

Professora Associada I do Curso de Letras da UFBA. Pós-doutora pela Universidade Pompeu Fabra, Doutora em Linguística (Unicamp) e Mestre em Letras e em Educação (USP). Integra o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística e no Profletras da UFC. Atua nas áreas de Linguística e Linguística Aplicada, com ênfase em questões relacionadas ao ensino e aprendizagem de línguas, multiletramentos, representações, identidades e léxico. Tem produção didática e científica nessas áreas.

Eliúde Costa Pereira

Licenciado em Letras (UFMA), com especialização em Linguística do Texto e em Docência do Ensino Superior (UFRJ) e mestre e doutor em Linguística (UFC). Atua há duas décadas como docente de Língua Portuguesa, no Ensino Médio. Na educação superior, exerceu a docência em diversas disciplinas do curso de Letras (Faculdade Atenas Maranhense - FAMA) e colabora nos cursos de Pós-Graduação Latu Sensu do Instituto de Ensino Superior Franciscano (IESF/MA).



How to Cite

Baptista, L. M. R., & Pereira, E. C. (2015). EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITAL LITERACY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: SOME ODD MAN OUT?. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 22(36). Retrieved from