The harlequin in Mário de Andrade: criticism and practice of a mask




Imagination, Mário de Andrade, Harlequin.


The Week of Modern Art’s critical paths unfold both in the texts produced by those participating in the intellectual debate about art at that time and in the critical fortune that the works of those intellectuals prompted. This paper is a critical interpretation of Mario de Andrade’s artistic practice that interrogates how figurations of the Harlequin, which are pervasive inhis oeuvre, are transformed into an aesthetic proposal and into an artistic shape. Looking at the way critics perceived the Harlequin in Mario de Andrade’s writings, we converse with those perceptions and propose a stretching of the character’s meaning, thinking about the reasons for the choice of this mask by the writer and seeing it as the basis for the improvised act of writing and representing an art and an identity which would not still be possible in Brazil. From this perspective, Macunaíma’s rhapsodic features would be an example of ‘harlequimy’, indicating a proximity with the improvising of many sources similar to the Harlequin practice in Comedia dell’arte. Harlequin, this central figure that irradiates metaphors, guides Mário de Andrade’s poetics, through which the artist accomplishes a symbiosis of aesthetics, practice and life.

Author Biography

Ricardo Postal, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professor de Literatura do Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), atuando também no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Possui graduação em Letras, Português e Italiano, mestrado em Literatura Brasileira, com dissertação sobre o indianismo de José de Alencar, e doutorado também em Literatura Brasileira, com tese sobre a figura do Arlequim na poética de Mário de Andrade, pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Literatura Brasileira, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Literatura brasileira, Romantismo, Modernismo, Cultura Brasileira e Identidade Nacional.



How to Cite

Postal, R. (2020). The harlequin in Mário de Andrade: criticism and practice of a mask. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 27(51), 587–600.