Contours of the autobiographical space: the literary self-portrait in Sergio Kokis


  • Luciano Passos Moraes Colégio Pedro II



Self-portrait. Autobiographical space. Self-writing. Migrant literatures. Sergio Kokis.


Amongst the various (and controversial) modalities of self-writing, the literary self-portrait remains a field of little theoretical exploration. Though the term loaned from the visual arts field makes part of the literary creation since long, its conceptual approach still constitutes a slippery soil, especially in contemporary literature, where the hybridization of several subgenres of the autobiography may be observed. Attempting to contribute to the reflection on the self-projection in this particular category of self-writing, the present work aims at actualizing ideas by Michel Beaujour, who has carefully examined the theme in the 1980s, through a dialogue with recent analysis by Robert Dion and Frances Fortier. In this process, we create a theoretical basis to study autobiographical texts by Sergio Kokis, a painter and writer of Brazilian origin established in Quebec, particularly in his work L’amour du lointain (2012), a literary self-portrait that offers access to the backstage of Kokis’s fictional creation. Extrapolating the self-analysis exercise, Kokis proposes in this text a review of his Romanesque writing, by recovering certain tracks of his personal history in order to contribute critically and to establish his experience as a reader and a painter, yet revealing the inconsistencies and contrarieties of the labels imposed within the autobiographical writing field.





Author Biography

Luciano Passos Moraes, Colégio Pedro II

Docente do Colégio Pedro II, Departa­mento de Francês. Possui graduação em Letras Português/Francês, mes­trado em História da Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio Gran­de (FURG) e doutorado em Estudos de Literatura/Literatura Comparada pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), com estágio na Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Atua principalmente nas seguintes áreas: literaturas francófonas, escritas migrantes, escritas de si e tradução, desenvolvendo atualmente o projeto de pesquisa “Leituras da francofonia: identidade e trânsito intercultural”, vinculado ao Núcleo de Estudos Franco-Brasileiros (NEFB/CP2).



How to Cite

Moraes, L. P. (2017). Contours of the autobiographical space: the literary self-portrait in Sergio Kokis. MATRAGA - Journal Published by the Graduate Program in Letters at Rio De Janeiro State University (UERJ), 24(42), 694–711.