Public television in Brazil: a preliminary study on its many configurations


  • Rodrigo Murtinho de Martinez Torres



Public television system, Television, TV for education, Public access, TV channels


In this paper, we present a preliminary study of the public broadcasting TV channel experience in Brazil. The objective is to examine the public television field, showing a synthesis of each sector, highlighting important aspects that show its specificity in Brazilian television system scenario. This research covers an analysis on the so-called public field, defined by two historical initiatives: the TV channels for education as well as the TV channels for public access in the cable system – which comprises the university channels, the congress channel and community channels.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Murtinho de Martinez Torres

Doctoral Student of the Post-Graduation in Communication from the UFF. Master in Communication from the UFF. Researcher at the Research Laboratory of Communication and Health (Laces) - ICICT / Fiocruz

