Immemory, by Chris Marker and Nação Palmares, by Agência Brasil: Relations and Narratives Possibilities with Interactive Documentary


  • Daniela Muzi



Immemory, Nação Palmares, interactive documentary, non-linear narrative, Interactive Digital TV


This article aims to relate the work Immemory (1997), by Chris Marker – who used the CD-ROM as a support to produce a non-linear audiovisual content – with the interactive documentary Nação Palmares (2008), produced by the Agência Brasil, as a point of departure for an aesthetic perspective to produce interactive and participatory documentaries where the narrative is no longer linear and becomes nonlinear. Possibilities that are becoming more viable in the interface and convergence culture, context which includes the Interactive Digital TV, whose purpose is to promote interaction with the audience enabling choices.

Author Biography

Daniela Muzi

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Uerj e bolsista da Capes.

