The atemporal ethical issues: social and political crisis
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electoral law

How to Cite

Brito, E. A. de, Carvalho, A. B. S. B. de, & Silva, G. S. J. da. (2018). The atemporal ethical issues: social and political crisis. Ballot, 4(1-2), 133–145.


The purpose of this article is to discuss ethics in ali sectors of society, in the interpersonal, social sphere, above ali, in democratic politics. ln this perspective, it aims to clarify the understanding regarding ethics, the essentiality of ethics, why not be considered a law and its power for the development of a collective consciousness of the common good. Therefore, researcb is aimed at understanding, analyzing and reflecting on hurnan behaviors considered essential to the equilibrium and maintenance of a citizen society, but also politics as a fundamental instrument of a people, including that the right electoral process is essential since it encourages political processes to occupy elective positions. ln this way, election as a process for the election of representatives, an essential mechanism, since the individuais who will be elected will represent the interests of citizens, exercising sovere1gn power.
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