The ineligibility according to the second instance condemnation
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Ineligibility. Clean sheet. Electoral justice. Conuption. Electoral process.

How to Cite

Almeida, A. M. de, Cipriano, M. R. B., & Alves, S. B. (2018). The ineligibility according to the second instance condemnation. Ballot, 4(1-2), 63–75.


ln the face of the current Brazilian political scene, we have seen new corruption scandals erupting every day, such as the Budget Dwarves (1980/90), Health Vampires (1990-2004), Zelotes (2015) and the current Operation Lava Jato, involving great names of our politics, former President of the Republic, President of the Cbamber of Deputies, senators, state and federal deputies, mayors and councilors, state and private companies, as well as their managers, among others. ln view of this current context, the objective of the present study is to analyze the possibilities of preventing elective positions from being condemned in the second instance as a means of combating and preventing against this evil that sickens our young democracy and that is foreseen in the specific legislation, and has also been the subject of discussion in the Federal Supreme Court. The method used for the development of this study was the bibliographical aoalysis througb constitutional, infraconstitutional, complementary national legislation, as well as electronically published scientific articles and news sites.
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