Men and masculinities on a feminist key. Transcending invisibilities, absences and omissions


  • Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno Universidad de Antioquia Departamento de Trabajo Social Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas


gender, masculinities, feminism, activism, Colombia


This text recalls the two-decade long academic journey of an activist, researcherand teacher on topics related to gender and health. It restores the meaning of emerging questionsabout men and masculinities from a gender perspective, taking a relational, historical,inclusive, dialectical stand to address power, and the relations of subordination underlyingwhen men and women met or miss each other. Colombian itineraries are contextualized inparallel with the International Men and Masculinities Studies Colloquia Series, and specificreferences to a “gender-sensitive” and “social health” approach shared with the Gender andCollective Health Network with the Latin American Association of Social Medicine, in orderto contribute to the memory of an itinerary by a collective of people who gather at andrecognize themselves as part of the Men and Masculinities Studies International Network,generated in that same path, still active today.

Author Biography

Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno, Universidad de Antioquia Departamento de Trabajo Social Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Académica y activista colombiana, trabajadora social, magistra en estudios de población, doctora en ciencias en salud colectiva. Profesora Asociada Departamento de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, vinculada a la Universidad de Antioquia desde 1997.




