Sexual initiation in women with homoerotic practices in the Colombian coffee triangle


  • Gabriel Gallego Montes Universidad de Caldas, Departamento Estudios de Familia.
  • Sebastián Giraldo Aguirre Universidad de Caldas Departamento de Desarrollo Humano


Sexual practices, female homoerotism, lesbianism, bisexuality, biographical trajectories


Objective. The aim of the study was to understand sexual initiation in women who have sex with women in four cities of the Colombian Coffee triangle. Methods. A biographical survey was applied in 2012 to 308 women using the RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling) and snowball techniques. For information analysis birth cohorts were defined. Results. 83.7% of women said they felt attracted to another woman before the age of 18; 67.5% had had sex with men and women in their biographical course. Women over age 40 took longer to recognize their homosexual attraction and have high rates of heterosexual initiation (79.6%), before homosexual practices. Conclusions. The results indicate that sexual initiation among women are differences between cohorts, with a notable acceleration of the event among young people and a growing sexual initiation with people of the same sex. The findings confirm that the fields of homosexuality and heterosexuality overlap problematically in the construction of desire.

Author Biography

Gabriel Gallego Montes, Universidad de Caldas, Departamento Estudios de Familia.

Doctor en EStudios de Población, profesor asociado del Departamento de Estudios de Familia en la Universidad de Caldas.




