Brazil: no longer a country of fags? Analysis of the discourse of gender ideology in cis-hetero-bolsonarism


Palabras clave:

language studies, sex and gender policies, biopolitics, fascism, Bolsonarism


In this article my aim is to reflect on the sexual and gender singularities present in Bolsonarism. To do so, I analyze the discursive functioning of sex-gender policies that emerge, hegemonically, from the discourse of the far-right, represented by what has become known, in this discursive formation, as “gender ideology”. I use the term “cis-hetero-bolsonarism” to describe these political-ideological configurations that have emerged from Latin American reactionary movements in recent decades. By delimiting the phenomenon of cishetero-bolsonarism, I seek to interpret the functioning of this discourse, understanding its dispositif network of meanings through the description of its domains of memory, namely: integralism, militarism, and fascism. To address these issues, I have language studies, queer theory, and biopolitical studies as theoretical references.

Biografía del autor/a

Rick Afonso-Rocha, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Rick Afonso-Rocha é uma bicha nordestina: doutoranda e mestra pelo PPGL: Linguagens e Representações, da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (PPGL/UESC). Bolsista da FAPESB. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa “O Espaço Biográfico no Horizonte da Literatura Homoerótica” (GPBIOH), do Núcleo de Estudos Queer e Decoloniais da UFRPE (NuQueer) e do Grupo de Pesquisa Estudos Literários Contemporâneos: Fontes da Literatura de Jornal da UEFS. Colaboradora do Grupo de Estudos Discursivos em Arte e Design (NEDAD/UFPR), do Grupo de Estudos Discursivos da UESC (GED) e do blog Resista! Observatório de Resistências Plurais.




