Systemic-Functional Grammar and Teaching English as a Foreign Language: an analysis of three realizations of the recipe genre and a reflection on pedagogical applications




Systemic-Functional Grammar, Recipes, Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Systemics Functional Grammar (SFG) has been used to address issues of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in extensive research, however the aim of this article is to analyze how instances of a specific genre, the recipe, may present different functional features, as well as discuss how TEFL may use the genre in their work with learners. The paper presents a summary of the relevant theoretical aspects on the three Meta Functions in SFG by Halliday, examining the features of the texts in the light of these concepts; the result is a reflection on how these functional features may be used in TEFL.


Biografia do Autor

Sabrina Bonqueves Fadanelli, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Professora credenciada no PPG Letars da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Coordenadora do curso de Especialização Lato Sensu em Tradução e estudos do Léxico. Doutora em teorias Linguísticas do Léxico pela UFRGS e Mestre em Linguística Aplicada pela University of Birmingham, UK.




Como Citar

Fadanelli, S. B. (2022). Systemic-Functional Grammar and Teaching English as a Foreign Language: an analysis of three realizations of the recipe genre and a reflection on pedagogical applications. Matraga - Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Letras Da UERJ, 29(56), 285–302.



Estudos Linguísticos