martin buber and donald wood winnicott: thresholds and conceptual shifts as a ethos for research with babies




martin buber, donald wood winnicott, research, babies.


This paper aims to articulate the theories of Martin Buber (Philosophical Anthropology) and Donald Wood Winnicott (Psychoanalysis) as they help us understand the world of infancy. In dialogue with these two authors, we come to understand that the ontological principle of the human being is the relationship as a mark of existence. Based on this principle, the concepts “relationship,” “subtlety,” “reciprocity” and “bond” are introduced in order to explore the relational dimension of the interactions between infants and adults in both educational and research contexts. Our text develops these four concepts and explores the part they play in the encounter between adults and infants, on the understanding that the latter is based on the effort to recognize each other as persons. We argue that for adults, the fundamental impulse toward infancy is to share the world through inviting their participation–an invitation in response to which babies launch themselves with the tenacity and impetus of an inaugural movement. The theoretical confluence of Winnicott's psychoanalysis and Buber's philosophical anthropology results in confirming that infants are intrinsically relational persons, and as such, these two thinkers’ relational ontology  has much to contribute to studies in infant education in particular and in the Human Sciences in general.

Author Biography

nazareth salutto, Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF

Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal Fluminense, departamento Sociedade, Educação e Conhecimento. Doutora em Educação Brasileira (Puc-Rio). Coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Educação, Infância, Bebês e Crianças (GERAR).


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How to Cite

salutto, nazareth. (2022). martin buber and donald wood winnicott: thresholds and conceptual shifts as a ethos for research with babies. Childhood & Philosophy, 18, 01–26.



estudos da infância: movimentos, limiares e fronteir