ensino a filosofia um olhar a partir da perspectiva do aprender





learning, teaching, philosophy classroom, experience, studying


the inquiry into teaching in philosophy entails two different questions, namely: What does it mean to teach? And, what is understood by “philosophy”? The first of these questions constitutes the starting point of this article – product of the research project Balance of the Ways of Teaching Philosophy in Colombia –, specifically regarding the topics of teaching as an area, and the task of teaching. However, the methodological potential of studying the task of teaching from the perspective of learning arose while enquiring into the notions of translation, “plagiarism”, repetition, and creation. What kind of relation brings together teaching with learning and learning with teaching? In other words: How much does learning require from teaching? How much learning can we find in teaching? Can teaching and learning be thought of independently from one another? What happens in a philosophy classroom? In short, what does it mean to think about the relation between philosophy and teaching from the perspective of learning? In this way, as can be observed, positing the question of teaching on the axis of learning situates the discussion within the sphere of experience, and of the exercise and practices of the self. This is a different dimension of teaching from that determined by emulation, explanation, and monologue.

Author Biography

oscar espinel, Uniminuto

Doctor de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor del Departamento de Filosofía de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO. Miembro del Grupo de investigación Pensamiento, Filosofía y Sociedad.


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How to Cite

espinel, oscar. (2020). ensino a filosofia um olhar a partir da perspectiva do aprender. Childhood & Philosophy, 16(36), 01–22. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2020.52641


