Jean-Luc Nancy’s Notion of Singularity


  • Yonathan Listik University of Essex and GCAS



My article aims to explore Nancy's notion of sense as a key ontological concept because I believe this concept  as it appears mainly in his "Sense of the World", opens the possibility of a more profound understanding of his thesis. This will not be an attempt to draw a map or a line in Nancy's theory placing sense either as the starting point or as his central concept. Instead, it is an attempt to show that sense plays a significant role in Nancy's understanding of singularity and finitude and therefore provide an insight into Nancy’s overall theory of being. My argument analyses sense's centrality to Nancy´s discussion on touch and the vital role touch has in the articulation between his comprehension of mitsein/etre-avec and his elaboration of being as singular plural.

Biografia do Autor

Yonathan Listik, University of Essex and GCAS

My research interest is the possible connections between contemporary ontology in the continental tradition, political theory and aesthetics. More specifically, I am interested in how these themes appear in Nancy, Ronell, Agamben and Rancie`re. I believe there is an urgency for reflecting on the questions of subjectivity, the private and the public aligned with the place the body occupies in those spheres: the way the ontological notion of being develops into the political-ontological being-with creating the space for new configurations of presence. These new configurations no longer oppose the private to the collective but, operating from the being-with, asks about the singular and the plural properties of being, i.e., instead of coming out of the individualistic perspective grounded on the notion of private, it aims at a singular-plural subjectivity implicit in being-with. Considering with as an inherent condition of presence, means a reshaping the common- of the notion community as a political notion.




Como Citar

Listik, Y. (2019). Jean-Luc Nancy’s Notion of Singularity. Ekstasis: Revista De Hermenêutica E Fenomenologia, 7(2), 184–200.