Environmental perception of regular beach of Itaipu, Niterói, RJ, about the anthropogenic litter after awareness activities
Litter, beaches, Itaipu, environmental perceptionResumo
Anthropogenic litter is a problem in the marine and coastal environment. Beaches are affected by the presence of litter on their sands. The large amount of litter discarded on beaches is possibly due to the actions of human. In this sense, the aim of this work is to introduce environmental awareness actions among beach goers in relation to the presence of litter in the sand strip to minimize the effects of this problem. This study evaluated the environmental perception of beachgoers at Itaipu, Niterói, RJ, Brazil, in relation to anthropogenic litter through awareness-raising activities. The questionnaire applied to assess the perception and collection of litter in the study area before and after an awareness activity realized to assess the behavior change. Although litter were found on both days, the results showed a significant difference in the values of Kg residues collected/person in the study area between the two days, showing the importance of carrying out environmental awareness activities in solid residues management processes in coastal.
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