For an institutionalization of nursing care / Redefining the meaning of nursing care


Living in this new millennium, called the computer age, is continuously confronted with the new, extraordinary. Changes happen unexpectedly and sometimes without adequate preparation for coping, especially for those born in the 19th century. Therefore, both the most experienced such as the youngest require, for a good life in its full sense, understand their own vision of the world with a view for preventing discomfort/unease.

Health in the sense of well-being does not mean merely the absence of disease to encompass other damage that impair the physical, mental, spiritual bodily dimensions of the human being, contextualized in the world where they live and relate to others.

All care for living: including protecting the planet and its inhabitants, although the art of caring has been assigned to women, over time. Historian nurses indicate nursing as a female profession because women conceived in workspace beyond family life, giving new meaning to their social, economic, political and cultural aspects1.

Care as prerogative of this profession, exerted in majority by women, delineates a signification that encompasses different cultural values, ethical, technical, scientific, social and ethnic, mainly in Brazil, where the predominant ethnic diversity and, consequently, cultural1.

The aspects of this diversity in the country, due to miscegenation, strengthen the care on the health process (disease, i.e. well-being/ill-being, having in view that the biomedical model of care, in the west, over the centuries, has been hegemonic, influencing this process, preventing, frequently, in favor of science (or the organizational culture biomedical), the links between the person and their deepest cultural roots.

It is noteworthy that the knowledge shared between people - laypeople, Afro-descendants, indigenous, Orientals, considered the scientists and health professionals - still do not reflect the reality. Despite scientific advances, including the areas of homeopathy and complementary therapies (acupuncture, floraltherapy, reiki, color therapy and others), plus the physiotherapy, integration, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary - still do not characterize duties in healthcare. However, the knowledge coming from certain cultures cited is only disseminated through orality among his peers, representing a loss to the scientific developments.

Thus, care for life on the planet, good for all, shall be capitalized in several cultures, including in the scientificity.

Consider the well-being such as health imposes on the commitment of professionals desiring to avoid the factors that deviate from the human being in the state of living well. Asking ourselves, with views towards socialization, backed by the hegemonic power of medicine area, standing still, and share this power/knowledge among other disciplinary groups is equivalent to: encourage the duration institutional of interdisciplinarity; assume responsibilities in health movement; prioritize the expression of human subjectivity, lastly dis-institutionalizing health organizations as place of disease.

If we develop a movement to destabilize the permanence of power / medical knowledge, which prioritizes the cure of diseases centered invasive treatments, medical and surgical in dimension physical body of the client, how would we implement a care in the context of a responsible health movement, giving new meaning to health institutions and nursing care?

For redefine nursing care is necessary to go back to what is known about this art without taking a historical journey, but mainly remember, that its objective is to maintain, with quality/well-being, the continuity of life. Several national and foreign authors conceptualize this. However, one of the concepts that portrays more, expands and features this care is Collière's prologue as follows:

Care for life... Such as this first art, creating true that since giving light until death, participates in the mystery of life in which they struggle, the dying life, the life that emerges, the life that sinks. The mother's life that brings the world of the newborn, the wounded child, the victim which takes their first stps, the suffering patient, the drug addict who dives into delirium, the elderly who wonders where they are. Caring ... This is an art that precedes all others, without which it would be impossible to exist, is the source of all knowledge and the matrix of all cultures. Although inserted in the texture of everyday life, this art remains as yet unknown, and the variety of its unsuspected results.2:1.

Reflecting on this poem, has the impression that everything is care. Thus, one can even paraphrase the author said, asserting that everything is care... in life. In living ... and living with the world, with ones self and with others, until what materializes, inadvertently, as careless. Since the intention should always be to take care of the planet, caring for the earth, the seas, the environment, society, of animate beings and we think they are inanimate, seeing as they also contribute to the balance of the planet and the consequent maintenance of life with quality. The danger in caring is the excess in taking care of ones self without thinking in our connection with the cosmos and with all other living beings.

Iraci dos Santos
Assistant Editor



1.Santos I, Figueiredo NMA, Sampaio RS, Clos AC. Ressignificando o cuidado da enfermagem na dimensão étnica e sociocultural. Proenf Atenção Primária e Saúde da Família. 2012; 1 (1): 11-48.

2.Collière MF. Cuidar: a primeira arte da vida. 2.ed. Loures (por): Lusociência; 2003.