The imaginary in the reproduction of nature in urban space: Vaca Brava and Flamboyant parks


  • Maria de Lourdes Corsino Peres
  • Ycarim Melgaço Barbosa



urban parks, imaginary, landscape, urbanization


This research seeks to understand the relationship between imaginary, landscape and urbanization, having as the object of study two city parks in Goiânia: the Vaca Brava and Flamboyant. Urban parks are phenomena that are increasing worldwide,in Goiania were created more than 20 units in the last ten years and today their creation already appears as an urban parameter. The choice of the two parks is based on the reproduction of nature in urban space when transformed into a commodity for the purpose of contemplation, the search for the bucolic, green, water, to add value to luxury estates built on its banks by large contractors. The research has Bachelard, Durant and Baudrillard as its theoretical basis.

Author Biographies

Maria de Lourdes Corsino Peres

Mestranda em Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Territorial da PUC-Goiás.

Ycarim Melgaço Barbosa

Professor adjunto I da PUC-Goiás e orientador da pesquisa. Doutor em Geografia (Geografia Humana) pela Universidade de São Paulo

