The presumption of innocence as vector of (i)morality on politics: from principle to rule on the abism that separes to be from ought to be
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Constitution of 1988. Principiology. Voluntarism. Constitucionalism.

How to Cite

Freitas, J. R., & Carvalho, P. V. A. (2022). The presumption of innocence as vector of (i)morality on politics: from principle to rule on the abism that separes to be from ought to be. Ballot, 5(1-2), 44–61.


The present effort aims to delimit the notions of constitutional principies and to analyze their abstract application within the Brazilian Constitutional Court. ln addition, it aims to show some controversies and confusions that in the name of morais are taken against the constitutional objectives enacted in 1988. lt is, therefore, necessary to observe the discrepancies between the enacted and the executed. Finally, it is important to emphasize that nothing beyond what is prescribed should stand out for the fulfillment of the Law, and not for the volition of private individuals.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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